Silver Oak Securities

As a Financial Professional, Your Client Relationships are Key. But Do You Have a Relationship with This Key Contact?

Written by Silver Oak | Sep 15, 2022 3:16:12 PM

At Silver Oak, building relationships has consistently remained the most important factor for running a successful business.

But it’s not just about building relationships with clients. Financial professionals today can’t succeed in an environment where they don't have access to the decision-makers or support staff to help them solve problems and close cases quickly. 

If financial professionals want to run an efficient practice, they need one-on-one relationships with their firm’s compliance and operations departments. Understanding who to call and reaching someone on the other end of the line who not only listens but takes quick action is a game-changing advantage that many professionals unfortunately don’t have access to at their firms.  

While it’s inevitable that compliance departments and financial professionals won’t always see eye to eye, compliance teams that bring grace and understanding into their relationships can help the entire firm achieve new levels of efficiency. 

For instance, when the market is volatile, professionals may not have a week to get an advertisement out the door. They need to capitalize now, and compliance departments that can empower this kind of quick action will win alongside the financials they support.  

If you’re thinking, “It’s unreasonable for compliance teams to approve my advertisement in less than a week,” or “Our operations team could never get to know me on a personal level, there’s simply too many financial professionals,” then we’re here to assure you it’s not like this everywhere. 

There are firms out there with compliance teams that empower their financial professionals. If you can find a truly supportive compliance team with a firm that offers superior technology, you have something special – which is really what you deserve in a partner.

At Silver Oak, our compliance and operations teams are experienced, friendly, and eager to support our financial professionals. 

You can get the best service at a small firm. Get in touch with us today to talk about how.